How Much is a Hamster Cage at PetSmart

Cover How Much Is A Hamster Cage At Petsmart

PetSmart is a popular pet supply store that offers a wide range of products for various pets, including hamsters. If you’re considering getting a hamster as a new pet, one of the essential items you’ll need is a suitable hamster cage. In this article, we’ll explore the hamster cages available at PetSmart and discuss their prices, sizes, materials, features, and shipping options.



PetSmart is a leading pet retail chain with stores across the United States and Canada. They offer a diverse selection of pet products, including food, toys, accessories, and habitats for different animals, including hamsters.

Hamster Cage

A hamster cage is a critical purchase for hamster owners, as it provides a safe and comfortable living space for the furry little pet. Hamster cages come in various sizes, designs, and materials to cater to different hamster breeds and preferences.


The price of a hamster cage at PetSmart can vary depending on its size, features, and brand. On average, basic hamster cages start at around $20 to $30, while larger and more elaborate cages can cost up to $100 or more. Keep in mind that the price may also vary depending on any ongoing promotions or discounts available at the time of purchase.


Hamster cages at PetSmart come in different sizes to accommodate single or multiple hamsters. It’s essential to choose a cage that provides enough space for your hamster to move around, exercise, and play comfortably. Consider the size of your hamster and whether you plan to keep more than one hamster when selecting the cage.


Most hamster cages at PetSmart are made from sturdy and easy-to-clean materials like plastic or metal. Some cages have clear plastic walls to allow better visibility, while others have metal wire bars to provide ventilation.


Hamster cages at PetSmart may come with various features to enhance your pet’s living environment. Look for features such as multiple levels, exercise wheels, food dishes, water bottles, and hiding spots for your hamster to enjoy.


If you prefer the convenience of shopping online, PetSmart offers shipping options for their products, including hamster cages. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and the size of the cage. Additionally, some cages may be eligible for free shipping, depending on ongoing promotions or minimum purchase requirements.

All Living ThingsĀ® Hamster Starter Kit16.5″L x 10.5″W x 10.5″H$24.99“Great starter cage for a new hamster. It’s spacious and easy to clean.”
Kaytee CritterTrail Portable Petite Habitat12.25″L x 8″W x 7.5″H$15.99“Good for travel or small spaces, but not suitable for larger hamsters.”
Ware Critter Universe AvaTower Hamster Cage16.25″L x 9.5″W x 22.5″H$49.99“A versatile cage with multiple levels, perfect for active hamsters.”
YML H3030PK H3030-2 Pink Dwarf Hamster Cage10″L x 5.5″W x 10″H$19.99“Cute design, but may be too small for bigger hamster breeds.”
Prevue Pet Products Hamster Haven Cage21″L x 14″W x 17.5″H$38.99“Spacious and sturdy cage, great for active and playful hamsters.”
Table: How Much is a Hamster Cage at PetSmart
Hamster Cage

When shopping for a hamster cage at PetSmart, consider factors such as price, size, materials, features, and shipping options. A well-chosen hamster cage will provide a comfortable and safe home for your furry friend, making their time in captivity enjoyable and stress-free. Whether you opt for a simple starter cage or a more elaborate habitat, PetSmart offers a variety of options to suit your budget and your hamster’s needs.

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