Exploring AutoZone’s Interest and Support in Israel

Cover Boycott Israel Depkes

With global focus shifting towards the Israel-Palestine conflict, it’s imperative to examine corporate ties with Israel. AutoZone, Inc., the largest retailer of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories in the United States, has a significant international presence. Founded in 1979 and based in Memphis, Tennessee, AutoZone operates 7,140 stores across multiple countries.


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Corporate Shareholders’ Influence

Understanding AutoZone’s potential support for Israel involves scrutinizing its shareholders. Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. and BlackRock Advisors LLC holds a significant stake. These financial giants not only shape AutoZone’s decisions but also invest in companies supplying weapons to Israel.

Consequently, consumers concerned about peace and anti-colonialism are encouraged to reassess their support for AutoZone. The company’s strong economic ties to Israel, amidst its occupation of Palestinian territories, highlight the importance of informed consumer choices.

  • Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. hold 10.10% stake in AutoZone
  • While BlackRock Advisors LLC hold 5.959% stake in AutoZone
  • Consumers concerned about peace and anti-colonialism are urged to reconsider their support for AutoZone due to its shareholders’ ties to Israel.

Link Proof: https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/AUTOZONE-INC-11746/company/

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Autozone, Inc.' Shareholders
AutoZone, Inc.’ Shareholders

In conclusion, AutoZone’s substantial shareholder presence in Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. and BlackRock Advisors LLC, both with investments in firms supplying weapons to Israel, suggests a form of economic support for the Israeli government. For those committed to peace and anti-colonialism, refraining from purchasing or consuming AutoZone products becomes a tangible expression of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

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