Investigating ConocoPhillips’ Support and Investment in Israel

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Amidst heightened scrutiny of corporate involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict, ConocoPhillips Company, an American multinational in hydrocarbon exploration and production, comes under question. Based in Houston, Texas, the company’s extensive operations across 15 countries, including the United States, Norway, Canada, and Australia, prompt inquiries into its potential support for or investment in Israel.


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Corporate Shareholders’ Influence

A crucial aspect of understanding ConocoPhillips’ potential support for Israel involves examining its shareholders. Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. and BlackRock Advisors LLC holds a significant stake of the company. These financial giants not only shape ConocoPhillips’ decisions but also have investments in companies allegedly supplying weapons to Israel.

This raises concerns among consumers advocating for peace and anti-colonialism, urging them to reconsider supporting ConocoPhillips. The company’s perceived economic ties with Israel, amidst its controversial occupation of Palestinian territories, underscore the importance of informed consumer choices.

  • Vanguard and BlackRock have investments in companies linked to supplying weapons to Israel.
  • Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. holds 9.335% stake in ConocoPhillips.
  • BlackRock Advisors LLC owns 6.335% of the company.
  • Advocates for peace and anti-colonialism urge reconsideration of support for ConocoPhillips.

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Explore More: Glucocil Stand on Israel-Palestine

Conocophillips' Shareholders
ConocoPhillips’ Shareholders

In conclusion, the facts presented highlight ConocoPhillips’ economic support for Israel, particularly due to the majority ownership by Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. and BlackRock Advisors LLC, both investors in companies supplying weapons to Israel. For those committed to peace and anti-colonialism, refraining from purchasing or consuming ConocoPhillips products is urged due to its strong economic ties with Israel, a colonizing force in Palestinian territories.

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